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Marketing Sovereign Promises: Monopoly Brokerage and the Growth of the English State (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)

出版社 Gary W. Cox
ページ数 137ページ

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Marketing sovereign promises : monopoly brokerage and the ...
Marketing sovereign promises : monopoly brokerage and the growth ... monopoly brokerage of sovereign ... that power is made compatible with economic growth.
Marketing Sovereign Promises: Monopoly Brokerage and the ...
Gary W. Cox addresses these questions in Marketing Sovereign Promises. ... Marketing Sovereign Promises: Monopoly Brokerage and the ... compatible with economic growth.
Marketing Sovereign Promises: Monopoly Brokerage and the ...
Marketing Sovereign Promises: Monopoly Brokerage and the Growth of the English State (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions) [Gary W. Cox] on ...
Marketing sovereign promises: The English model - LSE Home
emergence of modern electoral democracy—the English institutions of monopoly brokerage ... Marketing sovereign promises: The English ... the key to state growth ...
Marketing Sovereign Promises : Monopoly Brokerage and the ...
Marketing Sovereign Promises : Monopoly Brokerage and the Growth of the English State (Gary W. Cox) at How did England, once a minor regional power ...
Marketing Sovereign Promises : Monopoly Brokerage and the ...
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Marketing Sovereign Promises (ebook) by Gary W. Cox ...
Marketing Sovereign Promises Monopoly Brokerage and the Growth of the English State
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Marketing sovereign promises : monopoly brokerage and the ...
Get this from a library! Marketing sovereign promises : monopoly brokerage and the growth of the English state. [Gary W Cox] -- "How did England, once a minor ...
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Marketing Sovereign Promises: Monopoly Brokerage and the Growth of the English State (Political Economy of Institutions and Decisions)